Friday, January 26, 2007

Golf for Seniors - Fitness, Flexibility and Mindset.

Most people over the age of 45 start losing their strength and flexibility because of aging. But that should not mean a loss of fun or scoring ability. The senior golfer has to play smart, using good course management, a good short game, and adjust their thinking.

The main ailment of senior golfers is their back. Either golf related or from some other activity, many people suffer from back problems. The number one health reason for not playing golf for seniors is their back. And the standard golf swing that most golf professionals teach is one of the worse enemies of your back. Manner of fact, I would venture to say that the standard golf swing does more harm to backs than it helps. Therefore as we get older, we need to adjust our swing to fit our needs and health.

There are very few golf training DVDs on the market for senior golfers. Most of them are just the same as for younger players and they fail to address the needs of the senior golfer correctly. Mark Anthony Montaquila has produced a great DVD aimed specifically at seniors - it is not just a re-working of the same old exercises and really can help you to improve your golf shots and avoid injuries.

A few other things to consider are:

Play from the appropriate tees. Seniors should play form the gold boxes.
Of course use a cart or caddy although walking is good for fitness and flexibility.
Regular exercise to increase flexibility, strength, and endurance.

In one issue of Golf Journal, I read about a 104 year old gentleman from California that played in the inaugural Octogenarian Open, along side his 81 year old son!! And I quote him "I just go out and hit them now. Im just a duffer, but golf is good exercise. You get out in the fresh air. Its good for anybody. It keeps you out of the bars." Unquote.

Golf is good for people of all ages. It makes you feel good mentally and physically. Of course the better you play the more fun it is. And the key to playing better? I would say exercise and the proper golf training.

Are you a senior golfer? If you want to get more out of your game, visit Think and Reach Par for seniors golf exercises and training DVD, improve your golf gifts to improve golf swing, fitness and flexibility.