Putting With The Arms
Over the years I have spent a lot of time working on myputting and, as a result, I have some definite ideas on thesubject based on what works best for me. I use the samegrip as for the other shots. I advocate a very wide stance.It sets up a firmer foundation. With a narrow stance,there's a tendency to sway off the ball.The less you break your wrists, the less margin there isfor error. I try to hit the putt rather than stroke it. Iplay the ball just slightly forward of center—an inch ortwo forward. I stand with my left elbow well out and riding veryhigh. My right elbow is kept close in to my right side; inthat position it helpfully restricts me from taking theputter back too far. I start my stroke by pushing the leftelbow back. This key movement of the elbow I can bestdescribe by saying that the elbow moves the way it would ifsome imaginary hand were pushing it back.I use this method because I feel that I can take the elbow(and the putter head) back on a very straight line from theball. On the forward part of the putting stroke, I try toreturn the putter head to the same position it had ataddress.