Thursday, March 23, 2006

Putting the club in the middle of stance

Putting the club in the middle of stance

Question for Sensei Mark:

Please help! I received the videos yesterday and after watching
the full swing and slice buster video, I have a question. Mark
suggests putting the ball in the middle of the stance. Is that
for all clubs including the driver?

Thanks for your assistance.

Hi there...
Thanks for purchasing the videos. I know that you'll do well with
them as thousands of improved golfers all over the world can

As to the question of if you should put the ball in the middle of
the stance for all clubs?


Why? Glad you asked...

When you do this and swing like I demonstrate in the videos,
you'll hit the ball straighter and longer than ever. (The only
folks that can deviate from this are pros my most advanced
students that use the technique in the Body Golf Power Shots

Putting the ball "forward in the stance" for the longer clubs
will add to your frustration because it takes hours and hours of
refinement to perfect the precise "hip slide" that you need in
order to get your center through the ball and still hit it

And if you don't know what you're doing, you'll be rolling the
dice every time that you swing and setting yourself (along with
millions of other misguided, frustrated magazine readers) for

So please, if you're a beginner, stick to the basics that are
described out in Body Golf DVDs that you have because those are
the very same techniques that I used to take over 40 strokes off
of my own game in one season. So if its good enough for me, I
suppose it should be good enough for anyone else.

In any case, keeping the ball in the center of the stance (for
all clubs) is the esiest way to become consistent while getting
better at your game.

Hope that helps!
Stay in touch...
Thanks again.